I’m Fine!

When I was really struggling with my post natal depression I was often asked if I was OK or how I was doing and my standard answer was “I’m fine”.

Well, I am going to let you into a secret that isn’t a secret at all.

If a mother you are concerned about, of even a mother you thought was doing great, answers with “I’m fine”, they really aren’t fine in the least.

It is the word we use to get people to shut up and leave us alone so we can go on being not fine in private.

It is the word we use when we really want someone to see beyond the façade and see we are actually struggling.

It is the word that ultimately means we are better than bad, but not as good as OK.

In the Italian Job we are told FINE stands for Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional, add a second F for Fragile and you have it.

If you hear the word FINE when asking if someone is OK, it is time to dig deeper!

Believe me they will thank you for it.

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